Yes, we know what change (not changer) addresses are, but whether or not you only used one address, you will likely have multiple change addresses if you did multiple transactions. You will need to export them all and import them. (Alternatively you could probably send all the coins to single new address and then just have one to import.)
Which wallet were you using as your main wallet previously? (Keep a backup of them all, btw)
no still does not work
hmmm. doesn't work how exactly? did the client opened or not at all?
i do remember when i erased a file in the appdate when i used windows
then the wallet had to rescan
could i dó that in linux too ? and if so what file would i have to erase ?
I don't know about erasing anything (nor do I think that it's a good idea). but importing a private key will make qt rescan.
but thats what i did at the beginning
i imported private key
and ended up missing btc in the linux wallet
btc i do have in my windows wallet
correct amount
so why is it that the linux shows less ?
is that a bug ?
and a week ago or so i opened my electrum wallet which should show also my btc and it showed less too
thats how i found out about the charger fuction
but should that be shown in a wallet ? and why does it not sum up all the adresses including the charger adress new and show my correct amount of btc ?
Did you import all the private keys from Windows that had balances? Since you say "import private key," not "keys" plural, you may have only imported one. I suspect you may have missed some, perhaps the change
addresses. (note that that is plural too). (Is that what you mean by "charger address"?)
i used always only one adress so it was one private key. so you are right plural. and i dont know how to find the changer adresses
i explain what i mean by changer
i see transactions
lets say i recived 10 btc
then i spend 3
and the missing is exactly the 7 that is left from the originaly 10
like the 10 was a note just created for my wallet and when i spend my 3 i get 7 change back
but usualy i dont see that process in my wallet. ( at least never did in the windows core )
now i see the transaction fo the 7 but i dont see the 7 arrive at any of my wallet adresses
so where are they now ?
at blockchain info i see the transactions too
in my win wallet the number of btc is correct