ed eccoci di nuovo con una puntata di coinmarket cap EARN!
Di seguito vi elenco le risposte che ho dato (e che dovrebbero essere corrette).
Necessario account su binance e coinmarketcap. Alla fine del quiz ho inserito il mio indirizzo ETH e non quello su binance.
Funzionerà? Buon divertimento
What is the max supply of REVV tokens?
Where to buy REVV tokens?
all of the above
What is the REVV token?
revv is an erc20 token (inizia con)
REVV token will be connected by shared economy in F1® Delta Time and MotoGP™ Ignition games.*
REVV was available for trade on Pancakeswap starting on 4 September 2020, at 8 pm (UTC +8).
What are the benefits of REVV blockchain gaming platform?
all of the above
What is the name of the exciting gaming concept that the REVV token delivers
play to earn
Which type of NFT cars have the highest earning potential when it comes to staking?