Is it possible to read your own reviews of the ICO you added to your website?
I know if they are in your website are good and legitimate but would to know why did you chose them to be in your site . thanks
To answer your previous question you can see information on and this thread here DECENT ico, you will need to wait for more information to be available: would read through this information.
For your second question I do not really like giving away my due dilligence methods to anyone since people will become aware of this due dilligence and use it against me. I am open to doing custom writeups and doing custom calls or chats with people, I could do a small consultancy fee associated with this. I am close to all these projects and know the founders and teams in some cases. If anyone is interested in this please let me know.
Also today I setup a facebook account as it seems a large amount of hits coming to come from facebook.
So please add me to friends and we can chat about whatever you like: