Smart contracts (decentralized applications) are now available over masknetwork (Official website, official thread
This was a feature that was scheduled to be launched somewhere in June. We think that smart contracts are a handy tool especially if they run inside an "operating system" like MaskNetwork, but many others think they are a big deal and will change everything so we have speed up the smart contracts development and now they are online over MaskNetwork testnet.
Smart contracts are written using MaskNetwork Script Language (MSL) which is a turing complete low level language. They run on the mainchain inside MVM (MaskNetwork Virtual Machine) and because they run on top of an "operating system", they have some really nice features compared to Ethereum. A MaskNetwork smart contract can send messages, post tweets, post adertising messages, launch trades or binary options, transfer assets of market pegged assets and many other cool things, impossible over Ethereum or Lisk
They can be used to build 100% autonomus decentralized corporations that self promote, trade and interact.
This is a sample test app (15 lines of code) that sends a message and post a tweet when it receives a transaction (
It seams that smart contracts market is heating up...