Following a local website news I found this and have touched my heart as I know will touch yours as well.
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Family asks for help to send him back to Portugal
Links below are from thr local website news and translated to english and in its original language , Brazilian, Photos: Lighthouse News / Alejandro García
Not all immigrants arriving in Serra Talhada have success stories to tell. The Portuguese Armando Barb, 41, is since 2009 in Brazil, but came 4 months ago in the capital of Xaxado. LIGHTHOUSE talked to Silvana Maria da Silva, 40, a nursing technician, resident of Ipsep neighborhood where the EU is hosted. According to Silvana, after months looking for work Armando began to get depressed and seeks to return to Portugal. The Sierra talhadense is selling raffle tickets to join the fare. "It is the city of Porto, has two daughters there, one 12 and another of 18. He came to Brazil in 2009 because it met a person in Fortaleza, tried a relationship just did not work out and after that wandered for several cities of Pernambuco. I met in Recife and moved in with me in November. He came here and put curriculum in several places, but to date has not been called and because of this is having a deep depression frame. Do not eat and talk all the time you want to die, "he reported excitedly. Speaking to LIGHTHOUSE, Silvana said that Armando has worked as an English teacher, was a welder and worked with computer services, but its good curriculum was not enough to overcome the increase in unemployment in the country. She said the European family can not help you return home. "We have no condition to send him back. He was living precariously in other cities that he was starved and I was driven to make it back to Portugal, due to its situation in Brazil.