And two years later, Bitcoin comes along. What is the difference really like?
If I understood the meaning behind this, indirectly the person has said that Bitcoin is no different than Second Life. Comparing Bitcoin to a virtual world does not make sense. Seems like this CEO missed out on Bitcoin as well.
Man, no one understands how cool and totally special our bitcoin is.
Just ignore the h80rz, Lauda.
OTOH, hard to see much difference between buying bitcoins with real money, & buying Lindens.
Other than Second Life community having been around a bit longer & not currently tearing itself to pieces, that is.
I'm sure Lindens are the next remittance craze, here's a good place to start:*Haven't actually read that, but
seems like a good place to start...
P.S. If you're a Linden enthusiast like I know I am, consider just buying and HODLING your Lindens.