Why VPN is not enough?
While many VPN services claim not to log activity, we have to remember that this is simply a promise to us (and promises can be broken). If the VPN provider got a court order they'd most likely find a way to somehow link the activity back to you, either by revealing that 'oops, we log some things after all', or by starting to log only your account for any future activity without your knowing. So while VPNs are great for low risk situations, they're by no means ideal for when you need serious anonymity against a state actor.
Some guy who works for the VPN company 'accidentally' clicks the button to enable logging. One warrant against you and you're fucked.
Doesn't using an untrustworthy VPN do worse when combining with tor?
I would argue the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. There's around 1,400 exit nodes on the Tor network, 99.5% are 'good' nodes, however 0.5% of nodes are considered to be malicious, i.e. they attempt to track you steal your passwords etc. VPNs prevent this. The key word here is untrustworthy, AirVPN, TorGuard, PIA are all excellent choices. In fact PIA hosts the forum
We are currently hosted by Private Internet Access, a bitcoin-accepting VPN service. I would assume that we're also renting the physical server from them, but I'm not privy to those details.
You want to prevent the VPN from being associated from you in the first place, even if they do log, generally you're still safe
The risks of VPN logging are also reduced, as any logs will have a Tor Exit IP attached to it rather than your real IP (and usually it's meta-data that is logged, not content)
A VPN that accepts DASH (darkcoins) is the best option because you can't trace the blockchain back to you. The only VPN provider I know of that accepts DASH is TorGuard. But if you can find a provider that accepts Bitcoin you're in the clear, for example
Open Firefox buy Bitcoins with Coinbase
Go to altcoin exchange and buy DASH
Send to Dash Wallet
do all the following in Tor BrowserGo to Blockchain create a new wallet
https://blockchainbdgpzk.onion/Go to altcoin exchange convert DASH back to BTC (This is the beauty of DASH, every transaction is anonymized)
Send BTC to blockchain wallet you just created
Now you have a bitcoin wallet with coins that can't be traced back to you
Buy VPN service with these bitcoins from the provider of your choice
Important to note!
You must also remember to never connect to the VPN without first going through Tor.
Is this more labour intensive to run on a cell phone or can you do all this without screwing things up?
Was leaning Iphone but my privacy does mean a lot to me,going andriod.
It would work on Android but you would have to carry around an extension cord and a Raspberry Pi everywhere you go
In practicality the only method currently supported on Android is VPN To Tor
Read here for more info