he has 1 rating. it tells a lot about their character. that rating is moot. Compare my ratings given to me to those whom gave them to me! Tells the truth besides 1 trolls review whom i never did business with.
Om OTC there are a handful or more that have a troll or two that do that.
Just posted ratings for Transparency!
I see. Can you sign a message with the key 62BEAFBA0A261E37 ?
I have before for a loan from KelticFox on Bitcoin-OTC , KelticFox is a very good person, has helped a lot with advice and loans and exchanges!
No, I mean you sign here on the forum. Take for example "I'm SynOps and I approve this message" and clearsign it with your key.
I know I can, yes. Keltic would have to show me again, but , yes, I know I can, ive done it before signing loans.