Great site, but just a bit confusing... Am I able to claim every 10 minutes, every 20 minutes, every 30 minutes, etc. repeatedly? Or do I have to choose between 10 minutes or 20 minutes or 30 minutes, etc.
I checked out your Proof of Payment section, and WOW. How are you able to give away so many 1BTC prizes so frequently?
The odds to win this are great!
I will definitely be returning every 10 minutes to try my luck! Cheers!
When I first saw this thread, I thought it was a little suspicious, how you can afford to give 1 bitcoin as a prize 5 times every 1000 claims (approx.) I decided to do a bit of research... The obvious thing was to check the payments. First sight, it looks legit right? If you look deeper, clicking on the address takes you to a tx. The tx shows 1 BTC being sent to an address. Legit, right? Then you realize the site pays out via FaucetBox only!
There is a tiny chance that for large payments, he pays directly to the address. Let's investigate the 1 bitcoin won here:
Clicking takes you to a tx. Now we will take a look at the faucet box stats of that address (1JRWQC4vUJ7Mv2FQDr2fQu7dt786Wv9qQv)
On FaucetBox, the address checker shows
no claims on any faucet. ( Very odd... But, we will give the site owner the benefit of the doubt and say he won it on his first claim, and was just very lucky. So, we will take a look at the second payment. The address is 1GsdVyTuep2dS6JAAGiSkz9btZA1FBNhDZ. Of course clicking on it takes you to a tx, with 1 bitcoin sent. Checking the address on, that user has never claimed at a faucet, so they must have also got it first try, right? Doesn't it start to seem suspicious now? FaucetBox stats archive: don't have time to check the other addresses, but I am certain that they follow the same pattern as the 2 we checked.
Don't waste your time here. link in case the faucet owner will change/remove it. (Tried to use, but the anti adblocker thing shows up)
Found solid proof that one of your payments were faked. This probably applies to the other addresses as well. This proof is for the address 14DXgLu7FE8PALHgsBDqSYFQxwv3xQiTMe
14DXgLu7FE8PALHgsBDqSYFQxwv3xQiTMe was an "lucky" user that "won 1 bitcoin" today! This screenshot was shown:
Screenshot archive: can see that the balance is 100,034,150 satoshi.
The above address has never gotten a faucetbox payment (
archive) and has a balance of 34150 satoshi (minus the 1 bitcoin that was "sent" directly) The good part about faucets that use the address to sign in is that anyone can look at anyone's balance! I logged on to that address and there was no balance either!
That means that the 34150 satoshi was never sent, and probably never existed in the first place. The owner probably used inspect element to edit the balance.