May 01, 2016, 08:02:57 PM Last edit: May 01, 2016, 08:20:17 PM by Dank14 |
If you believe the universe was created by God, then you should know that there are angels monitoring God's creation - like caregivers you might call them. Satan has his own 'caregivers' as well - angels once in God's service who deflected to Satan's, thinking they will get a better bargain with him.
Now it will not be a wise thing to assume that man is just meat. This is so untrue, do you think the universe just came to be without a creator?
There is another dimension called the spirit dimension that cannot be seen from our own dimension. Scientists call it the dark matter, Google it. A substantial part of space is made up of something that makes an impact, yet cannot be assessed. And it explains how the constellations remain in orbit, and why the universe is expanding very fast. Astronomers have repeatedly calculated that gravity alone is not strong enough to keep the huge stars in orbit, something else is responsible for this, and they named it dark matter. It can't be felt nor seen, yet it's mainly responsible for keeping the huge stars in orbit.
When we die, we enter into the spirit dimension, physically we can't be assessed, yet we exist. Do not be deceived by a demon that we cease to exist after death. Man is more than meat and bones.
Where we remain after death depends on which Spirit we spent our lives believing. Did we believe in Jesus or did we ignore him, this is what determines our final abode. You might scientifically say that man is made up of meat, bones and dark matter.
This dark matter never dies, the same way the constellations can never collapse.