Guy.. i said it before and i will say it again.
I catch falling knives.. i use the fucking handle.
TPB_needs_war and some others can do this too..
But it's because we are smart and in a separate league here guys.
He was talking about ETH in a scientific / analytical respect from his own view.
He can see what most of you can not.. ever.
He has demonstrated he is smart when others have posted pro ETH drivel he argued with previously.
All i have ever done is post common sense then point out how the users here are
either dumb or deceitful or both.. rarely is there guys like me or TPB_Needs_War that speak the real truth.
Everything i say i say like a broken record again and again and again and again here.. for years.
Some people have intelligence and skills trading..
Others have no choice but to rely on hopping on the next IP shit coin scam
then coming here and lying their ass off about it.
You CAN make money off of just about any legit coin but it takes skill & effort.
The stupid majority don't know how to do this.
How do i know ?
The majority's action speak LOUDLY.. i can *see* what they do vs what they come here and say.
Lastly i will wrap up my rant with this repeated point..
Everything i just said was common sense and everything i said before probably 100+ times here before.