Nothing at stake has been handled in 3 different ways,
1. Have a Coin with a Billion or more and this is never a problem.
2. Have extremely low minimum age , before the coins can stake again between 2 and 24 hours .
3. Run a Hybrid PoS/PoW coin, where PoW make up for any lack of stakers or PoS makes up for any lack of PoW miners.
That is not the "Nothing at stake" problem. It's not about "nobody is staking". Nothing at stake is a much more complex challenge: There are situations where "naive" PoS algorithms allow the participants to "stake" in several chains at the same time with no cost for the "staker", what makes possible an attack.
Nevertheless, a N@S attack has never been successfully realized in the larger PoS currencies (NXT, Peercoin, BTS, Blackcoin ...). NXT has a "reorg-prohibition" that handles the problem successfully. Newer Peercoin versions and their clones have also mechanisms that disincentive staking on several chains.
My Bad,
I answered the Nothing
To Stake Problem, instead of the Nothing
At Stake Problem,
So we are on the same train of thought:
Nothing At Stake Problem summarized here by gmaxwell
"In PoW when you attempt to mine you must expend energy and so you should only mine on a consensus which is likely to be the surviving one if you want your work to not be wasted. In PoS the same is not true, and an optimally rational PoS miner will attempt to concurrently mine all forks which he does not hate."
1. Gmaxwell is a Major BTC advocate , it is like walking over to Dunkin Donuts store and asking how the Krispy Kreme Doughnuts taste from across the street, don't expect an
untainted answer.
2. In PoS , you still expend Electricity & Bandwith, it is just PoS is so much more economical to run than PoW, no one considers it a cost.
In PoS, all of the coins compete against everyone else's coins to find consensus of the longest chain with the highest difficulty,
this increases the Difficulty # Higher than anything you could produce alone by staking your coins alone on an offline fork
Since when on an offline fork , your Difficulty # will always be lower than the main chain.
So basically the Nothing At Stake Problem , is really just a Stupid Myth. Because staking on the online fork makes it impossible , for your Same coins to create enough difficulty on an offline fork concurrently to matter,
As the online fork will always have it's difficulty plus your own if you mine both concurrently.
PoS & Pow are both protected by this simple fact, Longest Chain with the Highest Difficulty Wins.
Except some PoS Specs also include coin age which further strengthens its security.
Im shocked to see zeit with a lot of votes. It has no liquidity and to many coins. Just look at the wallets.
I Know Right , it is like some paradigm shift is taking place before your eyes.
Aug 15, 2014 Our MK was $20,661
Now in 2016 , Our MK bounces between $200,000 & $448,988
So many people missed out on a
10 X increase because they listen to Biased NaySayers.
Your Decision, whether you miss out on the coming increases .
Are you going to quit using BTC because Satochi BTC wallet has 1,148,800 BTC in it?
Satochi 1 wallet has 7.4% of the Total BTC Supply@
ZEIT our largest address only has
2.5% of the Total
ZEIT Supply.