The problem with not allowing property or some sort of soft-property system is that then production becomes inefficient and you just cause poverty. This is why I think some level of inequality is inevitable, while not desirable in excess.
True, though one could, for example, think about production and consumption that occurs completely outside of a wage system for other motiviations. Just because we have built a system that rewards greed and selfishness does not mean a system can't be built that tends to discourage greed and selfishness. (Just as we have built a system that encourages externalities rather than discourages them)
Do you think that actually free markets (not the illusory free markets of today's state/corporate/capitalism) will naturally move towards more equality or do you think that other mechanisms need to be built around them hugolp?
Good question with complicated answer. In general yes, but I dont think its guaranteed. At the end, the market is just a concept, its the concept we use to describe all the volutary trades. And that this trades happen depends on a serie of social conventions (like any other system). At the end any system is as good as the respect for the social conventions that make it happen (as you being an anarchist know very well). If people feel explotaited and dont feel that its in their own benefit to respect the property rights system at the end it will fall. Its necessary that everybody participating in the system are very aware of this and help each other.