why do people start these pointless idiotic topics ?
I was just about to ask the same question.
OP firstly move your thread to the speculation section. This is just another thread linking to another articles which just throws out random possibilities. If one spends enough time in the speculation section, I'm sure that they would hear every prediction ranging from $0 to the $moon for the halving.
I have a strong feeling that Bitcoin halving will be a huge boom for Bitcoin.
Pure (pointless) optimism.
It is doing so well and it would be really weird if it just suddenly crashed.
No, it would not be weird.
I'm not sure I understand what do you mean honestly
"It took place" ? we are in the 400-450$ since months now .
The price was around ~230$ in September, now it is ~450$. That was what he meant with 'took place'.