I have found a site https://cashinside.net
I don't know is it really paying or not..
Is it really paying? please comment A ponzi scam
Most of your posts are in reference to ponzi scam sites you will eventually not get any help from anyone if you continue to posts links to them.
For all we know you are the OP of them.
No more from me
Also change your forum name. Crypto guru you are not
Are you stupid?
I am asking here to know about cashinside.net? If I have any ponzi sites then I only promote this then I need not to post something like this.. and this is the investors and gambling thread, here anyone post any questions/informations about ponzis.. If you don't have any knowledge about this post then why you post comment! .. read well any post before commenting.. thanks for your understand..
Wow, asking for answer from people but give such attitude to people?
Who do you think u are? Trying to act big fk like 'honest'bit or Shttygame? Or u the same person anyway.
You asked and he commented, what you trying to show here?