Selitcoin - Together with you to Financial Freedom ! is an experimental launch of the coins.
The official launch of the coin is expected to 07.01.2016. His suggestions, comments, write reviews on this topic. If you want to help create a more fair and sustainable Selitcoin - we invite you to join the Selitcoin. Let's build a better financial system together!
Technical Specifications
Codebase - Modified from Litecoin
Currency Abbreviation/Ticker Symbol - SELIT
Transaction Fee: 0.01 SELIT for most transactions
Target Block Time - 150 seconds
Block Reward - 50 Selitcoins
Number of Coins - 80000000
PoW Algorithm - Scrypt
Network Ports - 55884 (default) and 55883 (RPC)
The configuration file (selitcoin.conf)
- rpcuser=selitcoinrpc
- rpcpassword=ABimrbN6ySQLqrFxzZWC8SNn7CGbZi4uVv
- rpcport=55883
- port=55884
- rpcallowip=
- server=1
- daemon=1
- addnode=
Topic is not finished! To be continued ...