Hey guys!
I think I've finally developed it! I just ran this gambling strategy on
www.satoshimines.com 32 times in a row without a single loss! I turned 0.011 into 0.050895 and I'm aiming to make it too 0.1 maybe even more! Not saying this strategy is full proof but I've ran it 32 times without hitting a bomb! Looking to get people to test this method with me to see if it really is it! I will find your gambling account with a starting balance of 0.001 and if you're unsuccessful than I guess this isn't the strategy; however if you are hey free earnings and free bitcoin!
If interested message me on Skype; this technique is pretty simple but it's easier to explain when talking.
Skype me @ eric.isom5
Edit: Lost once; total wins: 33 total losses: 1 overall 0.011 turned into 0.033543
UPDATE: Just turned 0.1 into 0.302486!
Edit: I will no longer give people 0.001 BTC to try this strat attempt at your own risk, text copy:
Okay so here's what you need:
0.001 BTC or whatever amount
Mozilla Firefox
The ability to count.
1) Go to
www.satoshimines.com and click the "Start Playing" Button; then click the deposit/withdrawal, here this gives you the address to deposit your wallet.
2) Put it in whatever amount you please of bits; you were given 1000 so any amount will do (Minimum is 30) than click the 1 bomb set your bet than click "Play".
3) At your right of the screen there should be an auto generated SHA-256 hash; this hash contains the number of which block has the bomb. Since this hash can't be decrypted my method just depends on the numbers that it gives you and you gamble off of that.
4) So before I show you the secret; here are the rules for the strategy:
(Please note that each block is a number, top five are 1,2,3,4,5 from left to right; the row below that is 6,7,8,9,10. These are the only blocks you really need to know)
* You may only click blocks 1-9
* Click NO MORE than 3 at the most
* If there's a number 1-9 in the hash that appears 5 or more times when you search it (I'll tell you how to do that in a second) do NOT click that block.
*(For instance in the hash 9482363560c7b014fb1aa15cad1469f0491e98a022dfb5bf88e9a04e186d8635, 9 appears 5 times so you won't click block 9)
* You click the number of block in the order it's given to you
*(For instance in the hash above the first number is 9, then 4 then 8
*Skip 0's and letters
Okay so here's the strategy:
***This is after you've read the rules on step 4 and have done steps 1-3
You must look at the hash on the right (Zoom in if you need too) well use this hash as an example 9482363560c7b014fb1aa15cad1469f0491e98a022dfb5bf88e9a04e186d8635, using Mozilla Firefox press Ctrl+f and than click "Highlight All" & "Match Case".
Next type in the number that appears first in the hash (9 in this case) and see how many 9's there are in the hash. This has 5 nines that's too risky! We then proceed to the next number since 9 is too risky (4 in this case) woah! 5 4's ? No thanks still too risky! Now we go 8's and we see there are 6! Remember if it has 5 or more of the same number skip it and go on to the next. Next one is 2, there's only 3! Perfect! So in this hypothetical case you would click block number 2 (second one from the top left corner) and you would repeat this process 2 more times. Please note if you do it more than 3 numbers you're getting VERY risky. Also there might not always be 3 different numbers that don't repeat themselves 5 or more times. If that's the case only go with the numbers that are and cash out.
There you have it!
Also check out this new gambling game at
www.bitbuku.co, a player v player card game.