Hey everyone, I have an old Pentium 4 PC with specs:
1. Core speed: 3 GHz
2. Physical memory: 249 MB
3. Operating system: Wary 5 - Puppy Linux
4. Python version: 2.6.4
I want to use it as a cold wallet. But I realized that installing Electrum on Linux is not easy as on Windows. Please help me.
Hi, i have installed electrum on puppy6 through PPM (puppy packet manager)
Nothing extraordinary, no additional commands where needed.
Wallet has its own menu entry etc, its in 1.9.7 version. Very basic options.
Unfortunately, there is no Electrum package in Wary repository. So I had to build it manually. I had to install setuptools, ecdsa, and slowaes. And now the Electrum client works, but just in text mode that is uncomfortable for me because I don't know how to install PyQt4.