Bugün öğle saatlerinde Btcturk.com sitesinden bir miktar Btc göndermiştim Poloniex'e. Fakat hala yansımadı Btc hesabıma. Poloniex'e mesaj attım. Şöyle bir cevap yazdılar : Deposits of BTC require 1 confrimation on the blockchain. Your deposit is confirmed and complete now. You can see the completed deposit and the details here in your Deposit and Withdrawal History:
We also noticed that you do not currently have 2 Factor Authentication enabled. For your security, Poloniex STRONGLY recommends enabling 2FA as soon as possible! Without 2FA, your funds and some private data are only as safe as your email credentials. You can enable 2FA here:
https://poloniex.com/2faYou can learn more about the importance of 2FA here:
https://poloniex.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/1000225337If you have any questions about the process, please just reply and we'll walk you through it.
Best regards,
John Brown
Poloniex Support
Evet beyler gördüğünüz gibi yani şimdi ben bu 2fa olayını gerçekleştirirsem hesabıma yansır mı sizce? Siz nasıl yapıyorsunuz? Bu arada bende akıllı telefon yok. Bu konuda dinazor kaldım galiba.