It's not "hack", it's just fail Martingale strategy... At any point the casino will make you lose many bets in sequence, total loss. I never saw it working for much time, and people always lose money with it.
its a hack without code. I have never loss since i made this page a year ago.
You are betting 10 satoshis, right? 10-20-40-80-160-320-640-1280-2560-5120-10240-20480-40960-81920-163840 = 327670.
So, if you lose 15 bets in sequence you will lose 327670 satoshis. And to try once again to get all money lost back you need more 327680 satoshis, and if lose again, the double... And it's not very hard to happen, soon or later it happens. If you never lost with Martingale you are a very lucky person, congratulations.