With the coming collapse of the money system, it would be a good idea to form a co-op with neighborhood people, and buy in bulk, factory direct. Then, you and your neighbors can do the work of separating the goods you buy (electronics included), and sharing with members or selling to non-members. You could do it through Bitcoin.
There are a number of stores around the country that were about to shut down for one reason or another. Then the employees got together and bought the store off the owner, and continued to run it, successfully, in a more frugal manner than the owner did.
One example of this is Woodman's grocery store in Appleton Wisconsin -
https://www.woodmans-food.com/appleton/. They have been around for years, and their prices have Walmart grocery beat by 15 to 20 percent.
You are going to need something like a co-op/buying club when the money system collapses. Let's hope Bitcoin stays on the grid.