Hi there,
this is a donation raffle
(one spot per participant) and you can only join if you donated to
the public static bitcoin adresss of one of the listed organizations below. You can choose any amount but please don't spam the bitcoin network with dust
(so everything above 1$ is fine). Be prepared to sign a message with the adress you donated from.
If you like to donate to another organization please let me know their public static adress and I will consider to add them to the list below.
This raffle will have 16 spots (0-9 and A-F) and the winner will be pick based on the hash of block
420 000 (first prize) and
420 001 (second prize). Winner of block 420000 can't win second prize. Third prize will go to the one with the highest donation amount (in btc).
First prize: 10 Stickers
2nd prize: 5 Stickers
3rd prize: 5 Stickers
Shipping costs will be covered by me, but it won't be insured nor will you get a Track&Trace code.
Donations possible to:
Raffle spots:
1. SimplyRouge2
2. Blazed
3. minerjones
4. NewkTownTN
5. chronicsky
6. chronicsky
7. defcon23
8. chronicsky
9. Lutpin
0. defcon23
a. ezeminer
b. chronicsky
c. chronicsky
d. chronicsky
e. chronicsky
f. minerjones
Good Luck!
Edit: Third prize conditions added.