Why are there only about 800 transactions under <10 sat on your chart, and about 3700 transactions in total.
On bitcoin.info there are about 4100 transactions in total,
and on bitcoinfees.21 there are about 3500 transactions >10 sat, and 43000 10 sat and under?
First, we need to agree that 72h is the comparison metric. This was only recently changed on bitcoinqueue.com (it was initially 4h, then 8h), i.e. on Friday afternoon (UTC). Then during the week-end, we lost almost 24h of data because the tx feed had died.
The reason of the failure is the following: My tx feed is using a websocket client that seems to keep the entire stream in memory until the websocket is disconnected. That caused the process to use always more RAM, first filling the swap and then killed by the kernel to preserve the system. Unfortunately, although all exceptions were caught within the program, there was nothing at that moment to restart the process.
The collection process is now protected by a shell (literally) to restart the process automatically, and I will update the process itself to stop after a 100,000 tx or so to work around the memory "leak" (stream as buffer, not clearing up). It will be easier than modifying the websocket client libraries, which is an external package (not my work).
So, the process was restarted this morning around 9.30am (UTC). If you add 72 hours to this, it means that it will only be since Wednesday that we will be able to compare bitcoinqueue.com data with bitcoinfees.21 and it will then be interesting if the gap has closed by then as it should be the cast.
Eventually, the tx data will be fed from my own internal source, but I have to work on this first: either run a full Bitcoin Core instance to feed the unconfirmed transactions, or tap directly into the network, but I have to make sure that tx are decoded the same was as Bitcoin Core would
The donations and continued interest over the project gives me more enthusiasm to develop the project further, of course
PS: our data now seems to be coherent with
blockchain.info, which is temporarily used as feed source.