Welcome to the official social kapital signature campaign.If you want to learn more about Social Kapital and the bounty program first, have a look at their announcement thread.
Total available spots:
15 0 (this campaign is over)
Membergroups enrolled: Hero and Legendary Members
Our payment rates: 0.001
BTC per post for legendary members, 0.0008
BTC per post for hero members
BTC for legendary members when posting in the Altcoin section; 0.0009
BTC for hero members when posting in the Altcoin section
Payments: Weekly on wednesdays
Escrow:I've escrowed sufficient funds for this campaign in the following address: 1ScKavxVsu9J7nY2waYVnHWSsJiKwweuA
Signed messages from both, the escrow address and my PGP keys are available in the first reply.
Rules:1. Users with negative (default) trust are not allowed to participate. If a user receives negative trust, they get automatically kicked from the campaign.
2. Only one account per user is allowed, users with multiple accounts will be removed from the upon detection.
3. A maximum of 30 posts per week will be paid.
4. A maximum of 5 posts per week will be paid with bonus rates.
4. Don't alter/remove your signature at any point during the campaign. You lose all pending payments if you do so.
5. We don't pay for posts that are less than 100 characters in length or unconstructive in some other form (bumps for example).
6. Posts in this thread and any other campaign related thread, including but not limited to signature/twitter/ref campaigns, will not be counted and paid.
7. If you are getting banned from the forum at any point during the campaign, you lose all pending payments and your spot.
8. Posts in the following forums are not going to be counted:
Off-topic, Games & Rounds, Archival, Politics & Society, Investor-based games
9. Only posts in English are eligible for a payout.
10. Posts in the Altcoin section are desired and will therefore receive a bonus payment.
11. We reserve the right to alter those rules without prior notice
How to join:If you want to join, first add the signatures below to your profile, then post in the following format:
Bitcointalk username:
Current post count:
Forum rank:
Bitcoin (payment) address:
Signatures:Our signatures are the same for hero and legendary members:
[center][b][size=12pt][url=https://www.socialkapital.co/][font=Calibri][glow=#62be30,2,300][color=#62be30].[/color][color=white]PROVE THAT SOCIAL KAPITAL’S ICO IS NOT THE FAIREST ICO OF ALL TIME AND WIN 84 ETHER (approx 2 BTC)[/color][color=#62be30].[/color][/glow][/font][/url][/size][/b]
[b][size=9pt][url=https://www.socialkapital.co/][font=Calibri][glow=#002d71,2,300][color=#002d71]............[/color][color=white]T A K E A L O O K A T O U R B L O C K C H A I N C O D E A N D W I N B O U N T I E S U P T O 80 E T H E R[/color][color=#002d71]............[/color][/glow][/font][/url][/size][/b]
[b][size=9pt][url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1513024.0][font=Calibri][color=black]C A N Y O U A F F O R D N O T T O F I N D O U T M O R E ? ═════════════► B O U N T Y T H R E A D ◄════════════[/color][/font][/url][/size][/b][/center]
Avatar:You can optionally wear our avatar
available here.