Dear all,
I have just tried bitcoin recently because I mostly just watch youtube videos on my powerful GTX 970 Rig and wanted to make some money while the system is idling.
I have followed all of the tutorials I can find and it has lead me to using GUIMiner and Electrum for my wallet.
I can connect to the Slush Pool just fine and it happily goes up to 550 MHash/s but, when I log into the Slush Pool, it says that my worker is Off even when it has a Scoring Hash Rate of 0.90 Gh/s (what does this mean?)
Here are my GUI Miner settings: I doing anything wrong? I have followed all of the tutorials on this matter and they all pretty much say the same.
I am on Virgin Media in the UK if that helps...
Here is the console of GUIMiner:,