Non social-media saturated link -'t hit on the fact that "Solidity", the scripting language, is full of exploitable holes.
Glosses over the fact that 'smart contracts' are not human replacements, merely streamlines human involvement.
These things can be done better with the "21" machines, most likely - and cheaper.
The use case is so narrow and stupid that any backend developer can put together a system that would utilize BTC much easier than the Ethereum mess.
Author also makes a bizarre "prediction" about how its either BTC or ETH that will dominate -- they're two different coins, you fucking idiot. I'm so tired of "experts" who have their heads up their own asses.
Oh, and he runs an algo-firm that trades BTC, so he's part of the HFT plague. Luckily there aren't any exchanges paying-for-volume like the NYSE yet.