Thanks for sharing, HostFat!
It seems an interesting game, let me analyze it and I'll give you some feedback.
Your site appears to be down.
So this is like bidding on items on ebay ?
That is the general idea right ? Sounds good. Perhaps you should let people buy tokens and bid with those ?
Sorry for the inconvenience, the site is up as of now. Hopefully it was a random network outage only.
Basically you bid for a jackpot of money instead of items (like eBay), and the jackpot grows at any bid. All the losing bids add to the jackpot itself, and at the end the higher bid wins.
The site seems down, and i really dont know if this is a good idea, how can we know if you will give back the btc's auctioned?
Can you please give more details with this..haha
I understand you concern, however the same concern applies to basically every bitcoin game, service and exchange
Let's put it in these terms: it doesn't make economic sense to develop a game, build the web site, backend scripts, etc... just to steal 100/200$ (maybe) at the first auction, since if you steal and don't honor the rules of the game of course nobody will want to have any business with you.