However, when I give the command bitcoind, the terminal hangs and does not appear to be doing anything.
The most likely reason is that you already have your bitcoin.conf file configured with an RPC user and password, and thus you are
not getting the error that you would get if it weren't configured. To check this, open ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf and verify that there is an rpcuser and rpcpassword line.
Now, it's "hanging" because it's actually acting as an RPC server. Open a second terminal/tab/pty/tmux window/whatever and try issuing rpc commands (such as 'bitcoin-cli getblockcount', without quotes, which checks the process of blockchain sync). If you don't want to tie up a terminal for the server process, you can always start bitcoind with the command 'bitcoind -daemon' and then use 'bitcoincli stop' to stop the server gracefully.