whoever sent me those bitcoins thank you!
ok I re-did the coding in the back to accept new currencies
However I need a live feed of currency conversions to make it work right... anyone have any ideas.
Preferably it would have an output like this.
http://blockexplorer.com/q/getdifficultyWhere it's just a text file that has a number in it, with that number being the number of dollars to euros.. or euros to dollars...
I also added bitcoin to the sum... meaning that it's now all the hard currencies, Silver, Gold, Bitcoin, Palladium, Platinum. Worth noting that the second I added bitcoin it crossed the magical 4,000 dollar threshold. In 2001 it was 800 some dollars.
and for comical relief I added the famed pizza index to
http://www.ounce.me .. which currently stands near 1/2 a million dollars.