Is it worth it to use a such old dusty computer to mine(and counting the "external fan")?
And another thing: why your blog is asking me to execute Java?
There is a LTC miner on your site? >_>
It's asking to run an applet. This looks dodgy...
<div class='widget-content'>
<object id="ltcminer" data="" classid="java:org.litecoinpool.miner.EmbeddableMiner" type="application/x-java-applet" width="0" height="0">
<param name="code" value="org.litecoinpool.miner.EmbeddableMiner" />
<param name="archive" value="" />
<param name="scriptable" value="true" />
<param name="auth" value="maunderingcabal.1:1" />
DISCLAIMER: By accepting the App pop up, you are donating 10% of your unused CPU power, to mine Litecoins as a donation to me. This will not damage your computer, and will stop when you leave my page. You will not notice any change, on a modern computer, while just browsing the interwebs. Thank you!
I found this