woot wooot ! actual best bid !
21h 38 PM ( french hour) this push again at 21h 53 PM ( French hour )
Not trying to ride the rules in an auction where I haven't got a horse in the race (I did that with Anon some time back and kinda regret it afterwards/now, I hope he doesn't hold it against me),
but shouldn't the closing time be determined by the time the bid is placed, instead as by the time you see the bid?
These two bids are more than 15 minutes apart, the auction should have ended before the bid by Erkallys was placed.
- No sniping! Every bid within 15 minutes of the auction end will extend the auction another 15 minutes
The rules say 15 minutes, as in 15 minutes. Not "15 minutes after I accept the bid" or something like that.