I'm making this thread to see if people would be interested in or would find no use for a new type of currency.
The currency would be every bit the same as Bitcoin with a few exceptions, one of which being the major
de facto difference.
The public keys will be stored in an image instead of a hash in text. These images will be 36x36 pixels, containing 36 other "images" which will contain 6 different colors, all of which placed randomly but they will all appear 6 times.
These images have been scaled up 6x. On a wallet containing many addresses there will be plenty of room for them and they won't make your head spin.
This means an image can look like this (extremely unlikely, but still possible):

They cannot however, look as such:

Since these are addresses represented as images and not text instead of copying/pasting you will be downloading/uploading your addresses. I hope that a feature can be added so you can copy and paste the image address also.
If my math is correct then the chance of a collision will be 1 in 4.7383813e+18.
There is still 90% of this project which has to thought out, and then a 100% of the project which has to be developed.
Lastly, the hex values that will be in the image are: #FF0000 (red), #FFFF00 (yellow), #00FF00 (green), #00FFFF (cyan), #0000FF (blue), #FF00FF (purple).