Will we be able to mine them like other cryptocurrencies?
No, much more fair* and accessible to ordinary people.
That is the most complete answer I can give right now.
*BTC is fair in it's own wonderful way."Once-In-A-Lifetime chance to buy coins for ~ 1/3 of a USA penny"
I'm getting negative feedback for marketing.I deserve some of the negative feedback, and I'm sorry.
Genuine passion and enthusiasm cannot be easily stopped, once new ideas are made clear.
Clear communication is not always easy; Does anyone know how to do a
Vulcan Mind Meld so you can
download all my ideas?This (below) is not
marketing they are historical facts:*
*Not many people (?) bought huge amounts at these prices, since you could still get them free with cpu mining.People were once able to buy BTC as low as 1/3 to 1/2 a penny each, so let's say (for example) $0.004
- If you invested just $5,000 / gave away half / kept the rest, and sold at $60 how much did you make?
Unless I'm mistaken, the answer is ~$37.5 Million USD before transaction fees.
The idea is to create an
as fair as possible way to allow at least some people a chance to have a similar return.
Just like BTC, the useful product/service/currency needs to have real value, so it is sustainable and not a Ponzi scheme.
Will these be pre-mined? If so, how many?
Well let's get some help with the numbers, please:
Time is money.
What you call mining is 'ticking'.
1a) Start with the unix time-stamp and divide by 60 (one
Timecoin/minute), and the number is way too high (more than 21 Million)
1b) My OP mentioned creation of new coins for
over 3 more years, since I'd adjusted the numbers/ideas a bit and was working with 1/minute and ~92% already exist.
2) Start with the unix time-stamp and divide by 3600 (one
Timecoin/hour), and the number is very low (too low for an epic
Genesis Block Party) and the creation of new coins takes at least 2,000 years.**
**Unless I made an error calculatingSo one question is
how many should exist at the start?Another would be 1/hour seems to add value (through scarcity) but who has 2,000 to watch the project grow?
1/minute cheapens the units, and the whole idea is to capture the value of time.
Any thoughts?