Some friendly feedback.
So there have been a number of changes since I started with this sig/ava campain in Stage 1, including: price per post, minimum constructive post number requirement/max constructive post limit per stage and even special consideration for receiving certain negative feedback from certain forum members. All of which have been perfectly understandable and reasonable tweaks to this fine campaign.
So to my main point, how amenable would the campaign manager(s)/PTB be to tweaking the stage length from the current straight 30 days (or however many days it is) per stage to having the stages be according to the month?
For example: Stage 20 (June): 2017-06-01 00:01 Forum Time - 2017-06-30 23:59 Forum Time
Basically, from the first minute of the first day of the month to the last minute of the last day of the month. Sure, some months will have 30 days while others will have 31 days. And of course there's February with only 28 days.
It just seems easier not to have to wonder and check near the end of every stage, "Does this stage end on the 25th, 26th, 28th, etc?" "When does the next stage start again? The 26th, 27th, 28th, etc?" There have been a couple of occasions where I thought I had a few more days to make quota only to discover I actually had less days and had to hunt the forums for opportunities to make constructive posts before the deadline.
I know that it isn't hard for a person to check, but again, wouldn't it be easier to do it by the month? Is there a specific reason that makes it necessary to lock in the stage lengths to be exactly 30 days (or whatever it is)? Even with a short February, the recent lowering of the minimum post requirement to 30 constructive posts should still make creating constructive posts doable over 28 days.
What do my fellow sig campaign members think? Is it just me or would anyone else prefer stages by the month? Or do most prefer to keep it as is? Again, it's not a deal breaker for me or anything as I've been with the campaign and this current system since stage 1 and have been fine with it as is. But if anything, for the (slighter) easiness of keeping track for us folks with not as good memory (I played rugby in colege and all the hits to my head make me brain not good as you are so smart for the remembering
Anyway, thanks for reading and considering.