Come and grab The Litecoin Treasure Litecoin Treasure is both a game and a social experiment. Come and steal the treasure and earn a 10%
profit once someone steals it from you! The game is that simple and we welcome you to come check it out.
But watch out! We want the game to be totally fair and not let an unlucky fellow steal the treasure too
high and get stuck with it, so the game randomly resets(provable chances are under 2% - more details on the site).
That way there won't be a pot big enough for you to believe we would steal it.. for good(aka run away with the
Some of you might might be familiar with the concept from bitcoingem, but we feel that Litecoin deserves
to have it's own game, so here it is!
You can find more details on our FAQ.
Happy treasure hunting!
You can also: Follow @ltctreasure. You'll get a tweet everytime someone steals it or a reset is triggered! That way you won't miss it while it's cheap.
Like us on Facebook! We've had interest from a few people to bring back some of the original rules to the game, we just launched another version you can play at the same time.
We've had interest from a few people to bring back some of the original rules to the game, we just launched another version you can play at the same time.
We currently have two versions up and running:
Litecoin Treasure - 20LTC 5 LTC starting price. Fixed 15% limit.
LitecoinTreasure Highroller - 50LTC 5 LTC starting price. Minimum 15% limit.
*Watching LTC explode made us lower the starting prices to 5 Comments and suggestions are always welcome!
Developed by Cyrus and