Indeed. But, in as much as that sounds evident, it might very well be that there are a lot of people who don't mind using something that can be counterfeited. After all, the market cap of all crypto is still orders of magnitude below all fiat stuff. So it seems that a lot of people don't mind centralized, counterfeitable, reversible and other tricky financial assets, as long as they believe that *they* will not suffer too much from that (and might even profit from the counterfeiting, rewinding, etc...)
Very true unfortunately, combined with the lazy characteristics of the majority of people who are misinformed and thus don't care to take responsibility for themselves, their decisions, actions and whatsoever. Better to let others steer the big wheel, life is stressful enough and there are bills to pay.
This is in absolute contradiction to the ideology of Satoshi and decentralization. All ICOs, Foundations, Blockstreams etc. violate the initial purpose of fighting financial oppression and expose themselves to what they really are: Profit dependent business Startups trying to obtain market share by delivering the next, hot crypto-product.