Miners do not mine for sport, they are all in for profit, the hashrate is directly related to coin price, miners follow investors, thats why Bitcoin has the highest SHA256 hashrate and Monero the highest Cryptonight hashrate.
Which means they are expecting ETC to go up since they mine even more when it goes down.
It's only a matter of days/hours before ETC gets a few positive news articles that prominent developers or miners are switching to Classic and the price will go parabolic.
What? You mean ETC criminal coin? Yes that will attract a lot of investors and devs. Who wouldn't want to be associated with a gud for nothing dirty thief?
As I type ETC is in freefall and ETH back to $11.
I see you still haven't understood how ETH is a walking joke holy supported by its delusional investors. In the long term, no one will support bailoutchain, a blockchain that contradicts its own principle.
ETH is an absolute disgrace. They rush this hard fork to bailout big pockets (you are insane if you think they would have done it if close devs weren't invested) and not only this, but they fuck up BIG time by not even realizing the replay exploit would happen (again due rushing the HF).
ETH is done for and will pay sooner or later, watch this space
Between all the FUD and trolling I understand that it's nearly impossible to argue in a reasonable manner. I don't expect you to answer either, more like thinking about it.
I think what people disregard is the timeline and who was the major part involved in it. So:
2014 some guys developed Ethereum. True? [YES] [NO]
2015 they launched some blockchain. True? [YES] [NO]
2016 after a hack they split the chain to reverse the hack. True? [YES] [NO]
2016 some other guys continued the old chain. True? [YES] [NO]
Who developed the chain? Who is constantly updating about it's future development?
And more importantly, who started from zero? By that I mean people starting to code from scratch and starting the chain from block no.1.
Ethereum Classic? I think they started from block 1920000 and from code that other people wrote? What did they do other than sparking anger and will for profit and idiological philosophy?
I really hope that a similar situation happens to the ignorant.
Like let's say you build a house with your own hands for two years and because it was your first house, two years later one wall collapses.
So then comes a guy and says: " Hey I've been involved in building this house all along! Give me some money and your popularity to rebuild the wall."
He then rebuilds the wall with your money in a week and claims the whole house to be his own.
You can't trust someone who builds houses with shaky walls!!! Get rid of this dangerous entity! Imagine if the wall collapsed and killed someone! The house is in much safer hands now!
This is Ethereum Classic.