Community UberCuan (for results) 5% / week
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Deposit using S & Bitcoin:
S: at least Rp. 200k up to 10m
BTC: 0:01 minimal BTC BTC maximum 2
1. Plan A: 40minggu profit 5% / miggu X40
** Guarantee capital (Jamod) 100%
2. Plan B: 1y profit 17.5% / mo x12
** Return on capital of 50%
3. Plan C: 2y profit 15% / mo x24
** Return on capital of 100%
=> Plan A: Jamod (not Payback)
=> Plan B & C Jamod plus no payback
=> Capital refunded after completion of the Contract
=> Profit / week & monthly deposit date are sent according
=> Bonus Refral 5%
=> 5% Bonus Consultants
5% Cashback (especially new member)
Sponsor Bonus 5% liquid 3HK
Bunus Consultants 5% liquid 5HK
How to Deposit:
send BTC to the wallet Admin (i)
BTC Wallet: 1C7YnCQZ4bx14zo7LHndhyRTSQoP47yaJ9
Bank account :
BCA: 3170492667
BNI: 0322482943
Mandiri: 1440013742413
BRI: 315201036878534
all a / n. ABD. Qadir
Then Confirm:
Screenshot proof of transfer and upload dikolom comment
or at POSTING into the group with the format:
Facebook name :
Wallet / Norek you:
Total Deposits:
40minggu contract, 1y / 2y:
Name Upline / Sponsor:
Proof of transfer (upload photos)
1. We do not rely on BO PH GH, HYIP or any mining site. as well as mini HashOcean first (group name is used)
2. Capital Guarantee (Jamod) 100%. where it is we have mentioned in the letter of agreement Article 4 paragraph (2) which reads:
The second party (the fund manager) hereby pledged Capital Guarantee 100% (Jamod) and both sides agreed that if things happen that are not desirable that happen collap on the provider three and also dikarnakan one second party (the fund manager) did something good the damage from the place of business or physical health (severe pain). Then the second party (the fund manager) only required to pay the remainder of the total capital alone.
3. For prospective members who buy shares worth 3jt - 10m we provide the agreement / contract of business cooperation bermatrai 6000. ktp attached photograph me and mas Alvi zam and proof of transfer (owners of capital)
4. Defrost in the process of 10:30 max 1x24jam. Automatic Liquid weekly / monthly get into wallet BTC / into your account on the date Deposit.
5. Special Plan A profit (profit sharing) 5% / week (liquid per week) Bank account of the investors should be the same as my bank account: BCA, BNI, BRI and Mandiri. in addition to the Bank fees borne by the investor (Rp. 6500 / TRX) for Plan B and C. Non fee (Free)
6. Our estate business engaged in the Pulse (Wholesale) selling / buying Hp, laptops, clothing stores, groceries shop and many more future business planing to develop existing funds.
pm me more info