This may help:
I have no clue though lol
var bitcoin = require("bitcoinjs-lib");
var bigi = require("bigi");
var buffer = require('buffer');
var rootUrl = "";
// please do not drain our test account, if you need testnet BTC use a faucet
// source = {
private : "1af97b1f428ac89b7d35323ea7a68aba8cad178a04eddbbf591f65671bae48a2",
public : "03bb318b00de944086fad67ab78a832eb1bf26916053ecd3b14a3f48f9fbe0821f",
address : "mtWg6ccLiZWw2Et7E5UqmHsYgrAi5wqiov"
var key = new bitcoin.ECKey(bigi.fromHex(source.private), true);
var addrs = [];
// 0. We get 3 newly generated address
function logAddrs(dest1, dest2, dest3) {
addrs[0] = dest1[0];
addrs[1] = dest2[0];
addrs[2] = dest3[0];
log("Generated 3 new addresses for 2-of-3 multisig.");
// 1. Post our funding transaction, sending money from a standard address to the multisig
// address for our 3 keys.
function newFundingTransaction() {
var newtx = {
"inputs": [{"addresses": [source.address]}],
"outputs": [{
"addresses" : [addrs[0].public, addrs[1].public, addrs[2].public],
"script_type" : "multisig-2-of-3",
"value" : 40000,
return $.post(rootUrl+"/txs/new", JSON.stringify(newtx));
// 2. Sign the hexadecimal strings returned with the fully built transaction and include
// the source public address.
function signAndSend(newtx) {
if (checkError(newtx)) return;
newtx.pubkeys = [];
newtx.signatures = {
return key.sign(new buffer.Buffer(tosign, "hex")).toDER().toString("hex");
return $.post(rootUrl+"/txs/send", JSON.stringify(newtx));
// 3. Open a websocket to wait for confirmation the transaction has been accepted in a block.
function waitForConfirmation(finaltx) {
if (checkError(finaltx)) return;
log("Transaction " + finaltx.tx.hash + " to address " + finaltx.tx.outputs[0].addresses[0] + " of " +
finaltx.tx.outputs[0].value/100000000 + " BTC sent.");
var confirmed = $.Deferred();
var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");
// We keep pinging on a timer to keep the websocket alive
var ping = pinger(ws);
ws.onmessage = function (event) {
if (JSON.parse( > 0) {
log("Transaction confirmed.");
ws.onopen = function(event) {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({filter: "event=new-block-tx&hash="+finaltx.tx.hash}));
log("Waiting for confirmation... (may take > 10 min)");
return confirmed;
function newTwoOfThreeTransaction() {
var newtx = {
"inputs": [{
"addresses" : [addrs[0].public, addrs[1].public, addrs[2].public],
"script_type" : "multisig-2-of-3"
"outputs": [{
"addresses" : [source.address],
"value" : 15000
return $.post(rootUrl+"/txs/new", JSON.stringify(newtx));
function signForAddressAndSend(addressNum) {
return function(newtx) {
if (checkError(newtx)) return;
var key = new bitcoin.ECKey(bigi.fromHex(addrs[addressNum-1].private), true);
newtx.signatures = {
return key.sign(new buffer.Buffer(tosign, "hex")).toDER().toString("hex");
return $.post(rootUrl+"/txs/send", JSON.stringify(newtx));
function pinger(ws) {
var timer = setInterval(function() {
if (ws.readyState == 1) {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({event: "ping"}));
}, 5000);
return {stop: function() { clearInterval(timer); }};
function checkError(msg) {
if (msg.errors && msg.errors.length) {
log("Errors occured!!/n" + msg.errors.join("/n"));
return true;
function log(msg) {
$("div.log").append("<div>" + msg + "</div>")
// Chaining
$.when($.post(rootUrl+"/addrs?a"), $.post(rootUrl+"/addrs?b"), $.post(rootUrl+"/addrs?c"))
// funding transaction to multisig address
// transfer signing with key #3
// transfer signing with key #1
// final confirmation