SWEAT have been create to use with the PEDCOIN Market
The Sweat is a in game things with a real cash value look at this link for more info about it
http://www.entropedia.info/Info.aspx?chart=Material&name=Vibrant_sweathttp://www.entropedia.info/Image.aspx?Normal=1&id=947&Cache=1Now we decide to create a Crypto tradable for PED for the miner
Here the info about the coin and the specification
Algorithm SHA256
Type PoW
Coin name Sweat
Coin abbreviation SWEAT
Address letter S
RPC port 8038
P2P port 8037
Block reward 5 coins
Total coin supply 9333333 coins
Premine percent 10%
Premine amount 933333 coins
Coinbase maturity 2 blocks
Target spacing 2 minutes
Target timespan 600 minutes
Transaction confirmations 2 blocks
All the premine is going to be distribute fairly between all the campaign participant
Now here the link you need to start with SWEAT
The Wallet
https://github.com/PEDPRESIDENT/SWEAT/blob/master/sweat-qt-windows.zipThe Source
https://github.com/PEDPRESIDENT/SWEATSOURCEThe Node
The Blockchain Explorer
The Pool
The Campaign & Bounties
Block Explorer 5000 SWEAT
Pool 4000 SWEAT
Logo 1000 SWEAT
Facebook & Twitter Campaign Mod manager 500 SWEAT Per week
Exchange 5000 SWEAT
Full node 500 SWEAT per month
Input Money Supply function and button for direct mining from the wallet 5000 SWEAT
Translation Bounties 500 SWEAT per translation
MAC Wallet 2000 SWEAT
Google Wallet 2000 SWEAT