August 16, 2016, 05:28:28 PM |
municipal water systems recycle sewage water by filtering out waste but they don't remove everything, traces of pharmaceuticals excreted from urine and chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride often remain in tap water.
have you ever drank water fresh from a stream? I recently bought a gravity water purifier and the taste of the stream water was incredibly sweet in contrast to whole food's reverse osmosis water. upon adding shungite to the stream water it immediately tasted sweeter. just speaking from experience
guess I can't claim any proof, but can feel the energy nature radiates into the water.
you can also purify water yourself and charge it with a pyramid. I've been making pyramid water for over a year now, it's delicious and charged with negative ions from the pyramid. pyra-mid means fire in the middle. even tap water tastes noticeably more pure and has a less chemically taste after sitting under a pyramid.
I'm just sharing this because we are mostly made of water and having a pure source of water is so important in having good health. many people do not drink enough water or even drink water everyday. drinking pure water charged with shungite and a pyramid has wonderful health benefits and helps the cells communicate and function well.
I still use whole food's RO water, but I run it through a gravity purifier next to a shungite pyramid, and keep the 5 gal jugs in a 10' pyramid which I sleep in. I would like to oneday build a cob house and collect the rainwater from the roof, run it through an activated carbon/shungite gravity filter and into a 275 gal IBC tote lifted off the ground for water storage. then the force of gravity provides water pressure. It's such a simple and effective way to gather enough water sustainably for a garden, sinks or bathrooms.
when we work with the natural forces of nature we are able to create much more efficient systems than centralized sewage systems.
just how bitcoin is a decentralized currency, decentralizing water and food will have such a beneficial effect on society and the livelihood of people.