A government should never exclude competitive businesses, they should rather regulate it properly and make sure that they all operate within the laws of the country.
There's a very strong case to be made that every problem we're dealing with that necessitated Bitcoin in the first place was caused by government regulation. People can regulate their own behaviour without 3rd party "help". The incidence of fraud is no different under heavy regulation than it is under laissez-faire capitalism; the only difference is that fraudsters in the heavily regulated scenario need to be more imaginative with their schemes, to make sure they can't be punished as a consequence of breaking any regulations. 2008 wasn't that long ago.
If Bitcoin became enforced with financial standards regulation to the same level as distinct financial institutions, it would have been shut down at birth. The whole point of Bitcoin is that it outcompetes any ability to regulate it using traditional coercive methods, that's why Satoshi came up with the design he did. Bitcoin fits the laissez-faire model. It
deliberately circumvents the coercive regulatory model, it was designed to supplant that model.