I have a database of bitcoin addresses and i need to validate them. Please explain the process , i don't care if its an api or a script as long as its efficient.
you can use several methods such as using api or create your own rpc daemon. Both of this have advantage and disadvantage . I think it's very simple and efficient.
another way you can use this
function validate($address){
$decoded = decodeBase58($address);
$d1 = hash("sha256", substr($decoded,0,21), true);
$d2 = hash("sha256", $d1, true);
if(substr_compare($decoded, $d2, 21, 4)){
throw new \Exception("bad digest");
return true;
function decodeBase58($input) {
$alphabet = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";
$out = array_fill(0, 25, 0);
if(($p=strpos($alphabet, $input[$i]))===false){
throw new \Exception("invalid character found");
$c = $p;
for ($j = 25; $j--; ) {
$c += (int)(58 * $out[$j]);
$out[$j] = (int)($c % 256);
$c /= 256;
$c = (int)$c;
if($c != 0){
throw new \Exception("address too long");
$result = "";
foreach($out as $val){
$result .= chr($val);
return $result;
function main () {
$s = array(
foreach($s as $btc){
$message = "OK";
}catch(\Exception $e){ $message = $e->getMessage(); }
echo "$btc: $message\n";