Over the past few years I have been heavily involved with machine learning projects and artificial intelligence. I have often made bots to learn trends and alert me on occasions when the bot believes something is going to happen. Certain situations are more predictable than others but I have been hitting some very good percentages when testing against certain crypto exchange markers.
I follow and use Bitcoin but have never found reason to be involved, This project excites me though and I believe if used correctly this could make you very wealthy.
The Project
I am designing a platform that will allow users to sign up and set their own markers on whichever cryptocurrency they wish, Bitcoin or Altcoins. Their will be some pre-defined ones and you will also be able to create your own with a simple scripting language. These markers can be anything from alerting you when the trend has triggered that a pump is about to happen. or maybe the best time to dump your coins or if a coin is going downhill.
I have had great success predicting pumps on certain coins, roughly 85% success rate. <- This is testing some algorithm I have created. I have also had success testing against bitcoin price rise/drop based on historical data.
I will have this project ready in the next month or two as I'm working on it pretty much 5 or 6 hours a day. I would like to know peoples thoughts and any ideas you have that I can implement before release.
Thank you for on going hard work to making something defarent. And I wish your best possible success!
But as far I know, lot of bots activity already performing in crypto trading world. And I think you are also familiar with that. So keep doing your hard work.
If your product have something new to offer, the demands will be available!