the thing with D-wave is this..
once you wash away all the alternative realities and unicorns(yes he subtly implies unicorns near the end of his horse-plane metaphor).. you start to wonder why is he not just explaining the technology logically..
the reason is at the crux of it, d-wave is actually simple to understand..
its not any magic. its not any parellel universes its simply this.
binary is just a 1 or 0. stored on flashcards or transmitted as either 0 volts and 1 volt (in simple terms) actually its more like 1volt is a whole byte and 0.8volt is decimal 204 of 256, 0.6volt is decimal 152 of 256.
here it is explained in terms of CCD camera's storing the brightness of greyscale (from black to white) D-wave is just the same thing.
imagine 0 volts was binary 0 and 1volt was binary1. now D-wave has an algo that treats 0.5volt as their cough magic cough.
they say its their third dimension 'both on and off' but in reality its just 3 possibilities instead of 2.
so now they can do logic tests of not just
no, yes.. but.. no, maybe and yes
true, false.. but.. true, 'i refuse to answer', false
on, off.. but.. on, dimly lit, off
D-wave just doesnt know how to use it, and are going to spend years trying to work out how to make this 3rd choice useful.
in my eyes it just turns one byte from 256 possibilities into 6561 possibilites
imagine it for IP addresses only allows 4,294,967,296 possibilities using 32 bits
6561.6561.6561 allows 282,429,536,481 (70x more) possibilities using just 24 bits(each measured at 3 voltages instead of 2)
technically i think d-wave are not measuring (simple terms) 0v,0.5v, 1v.. but 0v,0.33v, 0.66v, 1v.. to have 4 options.. i say this because
bi=2 tri=3 qu=4 (think square, 4 corners) so qubit sounds to 4 options not just 3, just because of how they named it...
making one byte(measured at 4 voltages instead of 2) goes from 256 possibilities to 65536
so imagining IP addresses
65536.65536 allows 4,294,967,296 possibilities using only 16 bits(each measured at 4 voltages instead of 2)
if only the D-wave guy would stop talking about the mystisism of alternative realities and stuck with logic. then by now he would have found some real world applications of this new way of storing data and solving logic problems
hex for instance instead of being stored as 2 hex per byte. it can be stored as 4 hex per byte
binary F = 1111
qubit F = 44
so in a byte binary 11111111 = FF
in a qubit 11111111=FFFF