#!/usr/bin/env python
#Alarm lag#
# Created 3/30/2013
import urllib2
import json
import winsound #plays beeps for alerts
import time
from decimal import Decimal as D #renamed to D for simplicity.
url = "
req = urllib2.Request(url)
threshhold = raw_input("Lag Alarm Threshhold? (in seconds): ")
threshhold = int(threshhold)
delaytime = raw_input("How often do you want to check? (in seconds): ")
delaytime = int(delaytime)
while True: #infinite loop
resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data = json.load(resp)
lag = D(str(data["return"]["lag_secs"]))
if lag >= D(threshhold):
while True:
for x in range(2,25): # create a sequence of beeps
winsound.Beep(x*100,100) # each beep is at x*100hz for 100ms
time.sleep(5) # repeat the alarm every 5 seconds
print "The lag was normal. %s seconds" % lag
time.sleep(delaytime) # pause for however long specified
Just download python 2.7.3, save the above script and run the script from the windows command prompt. (ie: python mtgox_alarm.py)