Don't know if you've modified it since but the one in your signature is showing up fine for me.
It's definitely different.
The image has the monero sign in the middle, while the signature has an umbrella.
It's due to the number of characters used on your new signature. There's a limit of 4000 and what your using is 4555 characters to be exact. Sometimes around 3900 characters will also give you the exact same error for signatures. The only way is to sacrifice a bit of the design or continue to wear what your wearing now.
The meta post ( tells that from Member upwards the signature has unlimited length.
Maybe that's incorrect?
Also I pasted the code into an editor and it told: 5806 characters, more than the 4555 you counted. I don't know where the difference comes from...
OP, at least on lines 3 and 51, the first color tag seems to not close and another color tag is opened. Maybe that leads to your issue?