I need to make a bitcoin account/wallet for some website and I found this one for linux.
But there is hardly any documentation explaining how to set this thing up. Receiving bitcoins, what are those adresses on that tab. Are they mine? What are they? How do I even generate new one? There is hardly any explanation on the electrum website.
We live in 2016... there are some standards to be met. It is like you are being punished for not being a pro-uber-wallet-trader.
Sorry if it is a little rant, but it is just dissapointing.
We live in 2016 and before talking about standards I think you should read the full documentation of Electrum wallet which explains everything in detail and leaves no room for such questions.
Next time don't rush.
Here is all you need to know about your electrum wallet
Edit; I see you have read it, but for the moment use only the 3 first tabs , history, send , receive and you should be good to go.