I think the fact that MPOE lost that much money in a month and is solvent and paying all parties as contractually agreed is hugely relevant and hugely impressive.
Sorry for the month of losses, MPOE, but thank you for doing it properly. It deserves respect.
Just the way the cookie crumbles.
I am under the impression MPOE has moved the entire risk on the bonds to the bond holders with their auctioning system, shielding themselves (and equity holders) from any and all losses. If this is inaccurate I retract my statement.
But read the March statement, have you?
I recall BS&T being just about
BTC500k. (Although that's coming purely from memory and I wouldn't be able to cite a source
That's the maximal estimate, but we don't know exactly how much of that was really it. Anyone's guess by this point.
Congrats to the MPEx team for providing such an incredible level of liquidity in the options market. The MPOE bot provides such an important service to the bitcoin finance community. I'm happy to see that despite the steep losses this month, all contracts were honored without even the whiff of a 'glitch', 'hiccup', or 'hack'.
mircea_popescu> $mpexlag
<mpexbot> 0.110319137573 seconds
I guess it's time to add "Buy 1 million" buttons.